Jennifer Felton is a career educator and self-professed teacher nerd. She earned her Bachelor’s of Science from Florida Memorial University and received her Master’s of Science in Teaching and Learning from Nova Southeastern University. She spent __ years as a classroom teacher at the middle and high school level. She also spent nine years as an instructional coach and teacher evaluator for Broward County Public Schools in Florida. Beyond that, Jennifer served as a science curriculum coach at the high school level. She has been an author and educational consultant for over 10 years working with schools and school districts across the country. She also spent time with Curriculum Associates as a professional development expert for teachers. Mrs. Felton is the author of Teaching in the Now: Classroom Momentum Begins with You, which focuses on helping teachers improve their classroom practices and pedagogy. Her subject expertise included culturally relevant teaching and pedagogy, restorative practices, bias reduction, and DEI. In her DEI work, Jennifer helps schools focus on the hidden barriers to inclusion and helps school districts look at all practices through an equity lens.
Passion Statement: I am passionate about all things professional development. I love helping teachers move from good to great.
Why Nylinka: Nylinka and I are mission aligned, and Desmond is a good guy!
Fun fact: I love shows like X Files and Indiana Jones.